My Thoughts on Bitcoin Evangelists

Jonah Bookman
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

When I first learned about Bitcoin, I was turned off by the fervor with which Bitcoin proponents promoted it. My life experience taught me to be skeptical of evangelists of all stripes, no matter the topic.

Recently though, I have moved past my healthy skepticism to understand the purely rational reason why the Bitcoin community is so passionate.

Bitcoiners are tired of the boom and bust cycles that bankrupt people and businesses.

Bitcoiners are sick of the false price signals that necessitate them taking increasingly greater risks with hard earned wages.

Bitcoiners are scared of the runaway inflation that puts their future at risk by, among other things, making it risky and difficult to save.

Money, by its very nature, relies on a network of users to retain value as a liquid asset and a medium of exchange.

It is therefore entirely rational for Bitcoin users to evangelize their better form of money that, if widely adopted, will bring great benefits to them and to all members of society. I am more scared now of the societal ills that Bitcoin has come to solve than I am of the people who are just trying to get the rest of the world to see what they already have.

Bitcoiners are scared of the runaway inflation that puts their future at risk by, among other things, making it risky and difficult to save.

#Money, by its very nature, relies on a network of users to retain value as a liquid asset and a medium of exchange.

It is therefore entirely rational for Bitcoin users to evangelize their better form of money that, if widely adopted, will bring great benefits to them and to all members of society. I am more scared now of the societal ills that Bitcoin has come to solve than I am of the people who are just trying to get the rest of the world to see what they already have.



Jonah Bookman

Bitcoin, startups, social justice. “All mankind is tied together, all life is interrelated.” MLK Jr.